Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rant, Rave and Riot

I am frustrated tonight... I went to my new OB-GYN for the first time today, and I actually really liked her... She wants to run some tests to eliminate some of the possible reasons for my infertility, which is kind of amazing... My last OB-GYNs refused to do any kind of tests, so this is a refreshing change. The only thing that really made this whole thing suck is that since I have been on my period for 35 days with no signs of it stopping, the only surefire way to stop the bleeding is to start birth control. She wants me to do 2 months of BC so that I can get all of the tests done, and maybe not be quite so anemic before we go any farther. The logical part of me understands and even agrees with this, but I can't help but feel slightly devastated. It feels like I am going in the complete wrong direction. I know that there are so many people that have gone though this, but I can't help but feel very alone. I feel like I am the only one trying to make this happen... Hell, I guess I am. Justin has not been to one appointment with me. He wants kids but everytime there is a road block he is just so god damned blasé about it I just want to fucking scream... when ever we talk about it, he always says, "well if we want a baby, we should have more sex" Yes, that is true that we haven't had much sex... but hey, being on my period 80% of the last 3 months seems to make it a bit difficult... ok, I am just venting. I just need to fucking breathe and have one very large margarita!

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